OpenPlant Modeler Help

Structure of Part Areas

The following survey shows all independent part areas of dimensioning in standard dialog display. When you selected the ‘intelligent’ arrangement of parameters, some of these areas are hidden or they are situated on another position of the tree structure. However, it is always exactly the same data record.

Common — Lists the general default settings which are valid for all areas (e.g. distance of one dimensioning chain to the other, dimensioning styles, dimensioning of drill holes etc.).

Single part — Dimensioning of single parts details, individual dimensioning of the main parts in groups.

Groups — Dimensioning of group and subgroup details, individual dimensioning of groups and subgroups and single parts in assemblies, individual dimensioning of subgroups in groups; individual dimensioning of add-on parts in groups.

Assemblies — Dimensioning of assembly details.

Connection node — Dimensioning of connection details.

Views — Dimensioning of overviews and anchor plans.

The arrangement corresponds to the hierarchic structure of the part area. By selecting an entry, you directly reach the parent or subordinate dialog tabs of the corresponding part area.

Note: As an e.g. the entry “Cut” is situated below the entry “Reference Points” in the part area “Group”, the dimensioning chains for intersections in groups are set here.